This article contains instructions which took effect on Saturday 13.01.2024 in release 2.14.0.
Events recorded to calendar in worktime can be flexibly edited. Events can be edited in calendar and table view or individually in mobile view.
If you notice errors in your own recordings, you can edit the recording errors yourself, depending on your company's policies. If you cannot see features introduced in this article when you log in to Nepton, it might be that according to your company policy, only administrators and/or supervisors are allowed to edit events. If this is the case, please contact your supervisor or Nepton administrator.
To edit an event, click on the event in the calendar, and the menu below will open:
Click Edit and the edit window will open in a separate window:
The event can be flexibly edited:
- Used Event type
- Start and End time of the event
- How to process overtime after regular working hours
- Supplements earned on event
- Project targets
- Attachments (if enabled for deployment)
- Comments
Editing options change between different event types, depending on if the event is for example Work - or Absence event type. Also company specific configurations might affect to the editing options.
Rights to edit events is defined in Work time roles. If person has rights to edit events, person has also rights to delete events.
Event editing rights may be restricted or denied if event is approved or locked. Company administrators can always edit even approved and locked events.
Note that after editing or saving a new event, if the event would have a potential issue like e.g. it overlaps another event or its project hours are not allocated correctly within the event's duration, the view will prompt with a dialog about these warnings when saving the event. Event may be saved with these warnings by clicking "Yes" or the event can be modified/updated based on the details related to these warnings by clicking "Cancel" and then editing the event details.
Above is a common example of this behavior. Whenever a person is trying to save an event that includes projects and there is a discrepancy between the entire event duration and the sum of the durations for each working project, this will trigger the popup dialog with the warning (shown in the image as a reference). Editing person can decide if they want to record the event even if there is a mismatch in project and event durations. If this was the result of a mistake, person can click Cancel and go back and correct all of the details regarding the event.
If the person ignores the warning and decides to proceed, the warnings will appear next time when editing the event like shown below.
All event editing data is saved to history data.