Recording supplements to events in calendar and table view
Begin by clicking computer mouse left button to the date you want to make the record to and click "Add event".
View in calendar:
View in table:
There will be a pop-up opening to the view, where you fill in the event type and starting time.
Choose Supplements from the pop-up window.
Supplements button opens search for all available supplements. Work increment will show the unit (euros, decimals, units, integer), date and comment based on the settings set for the work increment. Choose the wanted supplement and value and optionally the date and comment. Save the event.
Recording supplements to events in Current status and Terminal view
Start the event in current status or terminal view as usual.
When the event has been started, go back to current status or terminal view and you can see available supplements on the screen. The supplements are not visible if there is no event running.
Supplement can be recorded in current status or terminal view only if time (in days or minutes) or integers (not decimals) are recorded.
If the supplement has a default, it is shown preselected in the supplement and is saved to the event.
Choose the wanted supplement and event type and save the changes clicking Start/Stop. Supplement is now recorded to the event.
Recording supplements to events in mobile
Supplements in mobile view are recorded the same way than in calendar view.
Choose the wanted supplement and event type and save the changes by clicking Save. Supplement is now recorded to the event.