The "Absences per person" report shows a row for each continuous absence per person. All event types that behave like an absence (absences, annual holidays, accrual leaves) are shown on the report. Public holidays are not shown on the report.
Multiple absence events can be shown grouped as a single row (i.e. as a continuous absence) if they are of the same event type and share the same basic information (absence type, sick leave type, compensation type) and there is no work event between the absences. This is the default selection of the report. Absences can also be shown individually without grouping into a single row.
Example with grouping: An absence event on Wednesday-Sunday of type "Sick leave" would be shown in one row as a continuous absence together with another absence event on the subsequent Tuesday providing they are of type "Sick leave", and there was no other event marked between the two events, otherwise they would be shown in the report as two separate absences/rows.
While grouping absence(s) date range shows the dates and duration of days as per person's work obligation.
Example without grouping: An absence event on Wednesday-Sunday of type "Sick leave" would be shown in separate row with actual dates as marked on calendar and another absence event on the subsequent Tuesday whilst they are of same type "Sick leave", would be shown in the report as a a separate absence/row. The duration of marked events calendar days is also shown.
This report can only be run by persons with permissions to view their subordinate's events or permission to view all person's events.
Usage instructions
- Navigate to the report via: Worktime > Work hours > Reports and select "Absences per person" from the Report field.
- Select the date range, select grouping option and select the persons/users you wish to report on:
If you don't want to see multiple absence events of the same event type in one row as a continuous absence together then select the option `No grouping` in Grouping field .
Persons are shown organised by person group but can be displayed via other groupings by clicking on the settings button in the top right corner of the control.
- Click "Show report" and after a moment the report will be ready. If you are running a report for many users or long periods this may take a few minutes.
- You can view and print the report directly, or if you need more specific control over printing and sorting you can download the report as a Microsoft Excel/Libre Calc compatible spreadsheet.
Column descriptions
- "Personnel number" - Person's personnel number (if set)
- "Employee" - Person's name
- "Person group" - Person's Worktime person group (if set)
- "Additional reporting info" - Additional reporting information that can be added to the person's details in the Employee tab
- "Absence type" - Basic information on the nature of absence. Sensitive information like absence type is only shown if the person has permission to see it
- "Compensation" - Paid, unpaid, or reduced salary as defined in the absence event(s). This is hidden if the person viewing the report does not have permission to see it
- "Date range" - If grouping is set as `Continuous absences of same type` then it will show date range of the consecutive absence(s) that fulfills the person's work obligation and share the same basic criteria, while when `No grouping` is set then it will show the date range of absence event(s) as it is marked on calendar.
- "Duration (work hours)" - How many hours of the person's work obligation has the absence fulfilled. e.g. if a person records an unpaid absence from 00:00 -> 24:00, the duration in hours will be 07:30 (or whatever their daily obligation is).
- "Duration (work days)" - How many days does it fulfill a person's work obligation for.
- "Duration (calendar days)" - How many calendar days it covers including days with no work obligation days. Column is included in the report if `No grouping` is set.