In Nepton, settings affecting individuals can be defined at three levels: Community, settings group, and person level. This article addresses the person level settings. The settings made at this level are the strongest, meaning they do not take into account the settings made at the working community or settings group level. If a different setting has been made at the person level compared to the settings group or community level, the setting made at the person level will override them.
Managing settings made at the person level is difficult, because changes are managed for only one person at a time, unlike community or settings group levels, so we recommend avoiding settings made at this level.
Person settings are also more limited compared to settings group level settings. Similarly, there are some settings in the community settings that cannot be set in the setting group level.
The path to make person settings is as follows: Worktime > Administration > Persons > Person settings
Compared to setting groups, the following calculation settings are completely missing from individual settings:
- Absence types
- Quick start events
- Rounding
- Paid time earned after normal work
- Supplements
- Exceptional entries
- Public holidays
- On-call
In addition to the lack of these settings sub-areas, the remaining sub-areas of person settings are also more limited than those of settings groups.
Person settings should mainly be used only in situations where the settings group settings would also work for this exceptional individual, with a few exceptions, such as the length of the day or work week, or the accrual of annual leave.