Adding or replacing a supervisor for a user requires certain types of roles from the administrator. You can only choose a supervisor to be someone who has their employee number set.
Please note that supervisor sees his own subordinates. If you want to allow a supervisor to see other supervisors subordinates, the supervisor needs to be set to substitute this supervisor. Instructions can be found here.
The easiest way to add a supervisor to a subordinate or edit supervisor information is through the person's information card in the Employees section. A person may have several supervisors, one of whom has been selected as the primary supervisor.
A supervisor can be assigned to an employee as follows:
Open the Employees section and choose Persons > Persons.
Open the desired person's information from the magnifying glass.
From the menu, select Organization > Supervisors > Add. Start typing the name of the supervisor and select the desired person as the supervisor from the results.
You can add more than one supervisor to a person. If more than one supervisor is added to the person, the service will indicate who is the primary supervisor. However, it is important to note that only the supervisor designated as the primary supervisor receives messages about the sensitive actions of his subordinates, such as sick leave, vacation leave and annual leave.
Once you have selected the supervisors, select Done.
Always remember to save the changes from the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Supervisor information can also be updated for multiple employees at the same time. Instructions for mass import of supervisors can be found here.