You can set a deputy to a user for example during the user's annual leave. This setting can be done by any person, either for themselves or for persons whose data they have the permission to manage.
The setting is done in Employees section. Open the person information of the person you want to set a deputy to and open Deputies tab. If you are about to set a deputy to yourself the settings are found in Own info > Deputies.
To choose the deputy, start typing the beginning of the wanted deputy's last name to Deputy-field. You will get a list of persons who match that name and you can choose the right person from the list. The deputy can be anyone who has an active working contract in Nepton.
You can set start and end times either by typing the dates to Start time and End time fields or by choosing the dates from calendar icons. Both these fields must have a valid date in order to save the deputy.
After saving the settings, the creation date of deputy will be shown in Created-field.
There can be several deputies to one person and valid times can be overlapping.
You can edit settings by clicking the 'Pencil' icon or delete the deputy by clicking the 'X' icon.
You can't chain deputies, meaning if person A has person B as deputy and B has person C as deputy, person C does not get deputy rights to person A. Every person that needs to be a deputy to someone, has to be set as deputy to that person directly.
The person that has been set as deputy to another person has same access to work time information, reports and work hour approvals than that person has. During the validity of the substitute, the deputy sees all the person's work time information, i.e. also for the period when he or she is not acting as a deputy. In this case, the deputy may, for example, accept the hours recorded before the substitution began.
Deputy cannot see person's information in Employees section. Being a deputy doesn't grant same visibility in work shift planning than the person whose deputy he or she is has. If a deputy needs to plan work shifts to same locations than the person, whose deputy he or she is, the necessary rights must be given to them separately. Instructions for this can be found here.
Retention of Deputy Relationships
When you remove someone from their role as a deputy, it's important to know that the connection between them and the person they were filling in for doesn't disappear entirely. Even after the deputy status is removed, their link with the other employee stays in place.
This means that the deputy can still access and view things like hours approvals and worktime information for the other employee, but only for the period when they were originally acting as a deputy. It's kind of like keeping a record of their previous responsibilities.
This can be handy for tracking past work and making sure there's a record of everything, but it's something to keep in mind when managing deputy assignments.