Presence view can be used to follow person's presence during the current date, and also on viewing their previous and next presence status. Presence view can be found in Worktime -> Work hours -> Reports by selecting Presence view in the report window.
Presence view permissions and displaying of sensitive information
Presence view related permissions can be found in Worktime roles. Accessing presence view requires at least permission "Can review own events" where person can review their own presence data. If person has permission "Can view everyone in presence view" they can view everyone in the presence view.
Sensitive information such as sick leaves, absences or event comments and event date/time can not be seen unless person has access to view that info with permissions. For supervisors, the permission "Can review subordinates entries" permits the supervisor to see subordinates information in the presence view. For admins, the high-level permission "Can view events of all personnel" permits the admin to see everyone's information in the presence view.
Presence view displays the last event from a weeks time, and a week forward for the next event.
Using the presence view
The view can be updated in real time by pressing the Update now -button. The view can be saved as an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Load-button. Different types of persons status are indicated with different colors. Below is an example of the view with a person who has permissions to view everyone's presence data and event information.
Person's sensitive data such as information about sick leave and comments and times of a work marking are visible only for the person themselves and their superiors who have access to view their sick leave/event data. If sick leave or absence information for a person is not allowed to be viewed, "Away" will be shown instead. If event times or comments are not allowed to be viewed, they are left out.
Below is an example of the view when used by a person who can view everyone in the presence view but has no permission to see their event data, so sensitive data is omitted in the view.