It is possible to do worktime shortening leave calculations in Nepton. When the calculations have been activated, worktime shortening leaves can be monitored with reporting in Worktime > Work hours > Reports.
Work time shortening leaves -report can be taken for a calendar year and either selected users (individuals or by user groups) or all personnel at once.
The report shows two years' (previous and current) worth of data concerning work time shortening leaves. If there are unused work time shortening leaves accrual at the end of the year, they stay in the accrual and can be used the next year. The earning calculations always start from the start at the beginning of the year.
Raportilla näytetään kahden (edellisen ja kuluvan) vuoden tiedot lyhennysvapaiden osalta. Mikäli lyhennysvapaita on jäänyt käyttämättä edellisenä vuonna, jäävät ne kertymään seuraavana vuonna käytettäväksi. Työajan lyhennysvapaiden ansainnan laskenta lähtee aina vuodenvaihteessa alusta.
Earned-field shows days/hours earned the previous year, and on current year up to date of reporting.
Value changed -field shows manually done changes to the accrual.
Total-field shows the total sum of Earned and Value changed combined.
Used-field shows the amount of unused work time shortening leaves at the time of reporting.
Unit in Collective Agreement - field shows whether the leave is being earned in days or hours.
Collective Agreement -fields shows the person's collective agreement, if it has been defined in the setting group.
The report can be printed or exported to Excel.