Time recorded for projects can be reviewed by going to Worktime -> Projects -> Reports. Hours recorded for a project can be reported from the time that the project has been active. If the selected time period for the report begins before the ending date of a project, that project is available to be selected in the report. More information about ending a project can be found here.
Information displayed in the reports
Project reports display always the time that is interpreted as worked time. If an event is not interpreted as worked time, the project work that is allocated to that event will not be displayed in the report. For example if an unpaid lunch is allocated to a project, this is not shown in the report but a project allocated for unpaid absence is shown. Also if for example permitted work times limit worked time, the limited time is not shown in project reports.
Visibility of reports for persons
Project manager can view all hours recorded for their own projects regardless of supervisor-subordinate relationship. Administrators can view project recordings for everyone.
When taking a project report, project manager must select "Managed reports" from "Get reports" selection to get the report from all persons who have recorded hours for the projects the manager is supervising. Below is an example of project report "Project hours by person".
Note! EU / ELY-centre project report can not be taken for managed projects unless a separate worktime role permission has been granted for the project manager (Can report EU/ELY-centre project hours for managed projects). Separate permission is required as the report shows information from sick leave, absences and annual leave that are not recorded for the reported projects.
EU / ELY-centre project report
You can select if the project shows
- Only projects that have hours in the selected time period and/or
- Only days that have hours in the selected time period
This report shows information by person. Report displays on a day level how work has been targeted for different projects and how much work is not targeted for any project. Report applies to total working time model.
Hours are displayed in the report as such:
- Everything equivalent to work is displayed as work except sick leaves, absences and holidays. Work is not separated by the type of work or by overtime percentage. Note! If there are overallocated hours recorded for a project, it will also be displayed as work.
- A sick leave on a day is displayed as having zero value. Sick leave type or compensation is not distincted. If sick leave targets a reported project, it will be shown in the report as work for that project.
- An absence on a day is displayed as having zero value. Absence type or compensation is not distincted. If absence targets a reported project, it will be shown in the report as work for that project.
- Annual leave hours are displayed on days that have work obligation. Annual leave is always displayed in "Other than projects" -column.
- If the same project has recorded work and for example sick leave or absence for the same day, report shows multiple rows for the day.
Following items are not displayed in the report:
- On call hours
- Work rises
- Supplements
- Travel invoices
- Leaves that consume an accrual, such as bank leave or balance leave
A note recorded for an event or a public note recorded for a project is displayed as description for the work recorded for the project. Notes are not displayed as a description if work is other than work done for projects or if it is an absence, sick leave or annual leave.
Report also displays the distribution of worked time for different projects in percentages. The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet.
Project invoice report
Note! Project invoice report contents are the same as old EU/ELY-centre project report. Renewed EU/ELY-centre project report was published 04.01.2022.
You can select if the report displays
- Only projects with hours in the selected period and/or
- Only days that have hours in the selected period and/or
- Hours by salary type
Additionally you can select if sick leave is included in the report.
This report shows information by person. Report displays how many different event types target the project. Any event type equivalent to work is interpreted as work. Exact definitions for this depend on working community settings, but generally these could be for example "Work" and "Remote work" event types.
The report also shows the percentage distribution of working time by event type.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet.
Project hours by person
Project hours by person -report displays recorded hours by person. Report can be used in for example with situations where it is needed to know how many work hours a certain person has recorded for a certain project in a certain time period.
The report displays the date when the project allocation has been recorded, event type, project code, project name, possible notes and duration of project allocation. The report sums up the hours by person and in the end as a total of hours of all persons.
You can select the report format with following choices:
- How report rows are grouped. Options are "No grouping", "By day", "By project", "By event" or "By event type".
- You can select if report shows salary type breakdown. When this is selected, report displays on call hours, supplements, work rises and embursements recorded for a travel invoice. Salary type breakdown also shows possible project duration over allocation. Project duration over allocation is formed if duration recorded for an event is greater than the duration of the paid duration of the event in which the project recording is done.
- You can select if report shows "Day total hours" by selecting "Column for regular hours of the day in total". With this selected, report has a new column which shows the worked time for the day as one number. This selection can be used only when report grouping is "No grouping" or "By day".
- You can select if only the projects that have allocated hours in the selected time period are displayed.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet or printed.
Project hours by period
Project hours by period -report shows recorded hours from the selected time period. Time period can be daily, weekdays, weekly, week numbers, monthly, month numbers, monthly on same weekday or yearly.
You can select the report format with following choices:
- You can select if the report shows only projects with allocated hours in the time period.
- Whether project hours from child projects are not shown but instead their hours are summed up to parent projects.
- Is sick leave included in the report
The report displays start date, end date, hours allocated to projects by project and the total of all hours allocated to projects.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet or printed.
Multiple project event hours
Multiple project event hours-report displays hours that have been allocated to several projects at the same time. This means that hours have been allocated to projects without defining their durations.
You can select all needed projects for the view. The report sums up hours allocated to these projects and displays them in the report.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet or printed.
Project hours by salary type
Project hours by salary type -report displays hours allocated to projects grouped on a person level by salary type (regular time, overtime etc.) and under salary type report groups that data by event types.
You can select the report format with following choices:
- You can select if the report shows only projects with allocated hours in the time period.
- Whether project hours from child projects are not shown but instead their hours are summed up to parent projects.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet or printed.
Project hours by event type
Project hours by event type -report displays work allocated to projects grouped on a person level by event types (work, remote work, travel time etc).
You can select the report format with following choices:
- You can select if the report shows only projects with allocated hours in the time period.
- Whether project hours from child projects are not shown but instead their hours are summed up to parent projects.
The report displays the time recorded for an event type in the total column. If project work is allocated in the event fully for two different projects (e.g. both projects have been marked with duration 100%), the hours allocated to project might not match with the Total - column of the recorded durations of the event type.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet or printed.
Project overtime report
Project overtime report displays on a person level all the hours allocated to projects that are over regular work time in the selected reporting period. If no overtime or other work over regular time has been done, the report will not display results.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel-spreadsheet or printed.