An employee must be added to a setting group to activate the calculation settings for working hours. The employee can be added to a setting group either in the Employees section under the person’s details or in the Worktime section under the setting group’s details.
Also, see the instructions for updating or setting a setting group for multiple people at once.
Adding an employee to a setting group in the Employees section
Select Employees > Persons > Persons. Choose the desired person from the list and open their details using the magnifying glass icon.
Select Employment information - Worktime Setting Group. Click the Value field and choose Add. A search field will now be visible, where you can search for the desired setting group.
After adding the desired setting group and clicking Done, Save the changes.
Adding a person to the settings group in the Wortime section
Alternatively, the setting group can be set in the Worktime section. We recommend setting the person's setting group in the Employees section, as described in the instructions above.
Select Worktime > Administration > Settings Groups
Choose Action > Setting group members. (The selected setting group does not matter here.)
Person is shown in a Person non-grouped users section. First start by clicking calendar:
Through the opening pop-up window, you can define the person's setting group. Add a setting group for the person by clicking the Add button.
Select the desired settings group in the Value field
If necessary, you can set the desired dates in the Valid from and Valid to fields. By default, the current day is filled in as the Valid from date. (Validity starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59.)
In a normal situation for a new person, both dates are left blank by clicking the date and selecting Clear Date.
If the employee changes the setting group, the Valid from date is set to the day from which the setting should start. In this case, the Valid to date must be set for the previous setting group.
Save your changes by clicking the Save button.