New setting groups can be added or copied from
Worktime > Administration > Setting groups > Add setting group.
There are 4 options for creating a setting group, each of which has it's own heading, below.
Add manually
Name: Setting group can be given any name. The name is recommended to be descriptive of the setting groups settings regarding work time calculations, e.g. "Monthly fee 30h/week".
Parent group: If parent group is set, the setting group will be added as a child to the parent setting group. The new child setting group can have distinct settings that override the settings in the parent group. The selection must be empty if the group to be added is a parent group itself.
Code: Setting group code can contain numbers and letters and is mandatory. Code is used in person imports in case the import handles setting group information.
Description: A brief description on what kind of settings the setting group consists of.
Adding the new setting group is finalized by clicking Save-button.
Use a template
Although you can create a fresh setting group and associated settings from scratch, using an existing setting group or template's settings can save a lot of time. Do this by selecting the relevant option from the 'Create from template' dropdown.
Templates are split into three sections in the list
Use a basic template
Generic settings templates that are available in all customer environments. A selection of common templates which are used in
Copy an existing setting group
You can select and copy an existing setting group already created in the customer's environment.
Note: The hierarchy of the basic templates (see image below) is not shown in the dropdown list. If basic templates that are lower in the hierarchy are used, their parents must also be copied.
Copy from another customer environment
Use this option if you wish to copy an existing setting group from another customer environment. You must know the system identifier of that setting group in order to copy it.
If "Create from system identifier" is selected, "Create from system identifier" - field appears below the "Create from template" field. The system identifier of the other customer's setting group is inserted into the "Create from system identifier" input field. Note that if a setting group is copied from another customer environment, the system will not copy settings that are related to custom event and absence types, or settings that are related to integration rulesets.