The length of the work day can be set in Worktime section either in Working community or Setting group level. The settings can be found in Worktime > Administration > Working community / Setting group settings > Workhours > Length of work day.
The length of the workday is defined by each weekday separately. If you do not want to specify the length of the workday for the day (for example, in situations where a person never works on Saturdays), you can leave the setting empty for that day.
It is recommended to set the length of the working day via the validity function (small calendar button next to the setting). This allows you to set the Valid from and Valid until dates.
If this is the first time setting the workday length, it can be set without start date (always valid) or from wanted date onwards.
If an existing value is to be changed, you must first end the old value by setting the date to Valid to -field. To add a new value, click Add setting value. The new value automatically takes effect on the day following the end of the previous value. In this way, the changes do not affect the past worktime calculations.
If you want to set an exception to the length of the working day, for example a shorter day than usually on New Year's Eve, you need to add a setting exception for that day. More detailed instructions and examples can be found here.
A workday length exception setting can also be set by mass entering.