Permitted work times define the times outside of which work is not considered working hours. Permitted work times can be determined either according to given rules or from a planned work shift. It is also possible to define permitted work times in both ways simultaneously. In this article, we describe the possible definitions for permitted work times.
Setting permitted work times
Permitted work times can be defined in the Worktime section either in the Working community settings or Setting groups level settings.
At the Working community level, the setting can be found in the menu under Worktime > Administration > Working community settings > Work hours > Permitted work times.
At the Setting groups level, the setting can be found in the menu under Worktime > Administration > Setting groups > Setting group: Desired setting group > Action: Setting group settings > Work hours > Permitted work times.
Types of overtime that permitted work times can be defined to cover
In the permitted work times settings, under the section Limit when overtime pay target, it is defined in which overtime targets the permitted work times are considered and correspondingly where they are not considered. If no restrictions are defined, all work hours exceeding the permitted work times are restricted.
If the type of overtime target is not restricted, the overtime target is used to define how the time exceeding regular work hours is to be compensated. The overtime target is saved as part of the event and can be seen under the Overtime in the event addition or editing window.
Start and end times of permitted work times per weekday
Permitted work times are defined to start and end per weekday. In the definition, the start time is selected, and whether the time is for the previous, current, or next day.
It is possible to set two different values for the valid times. This is necessary, for example, when working across the change of day. The first valid value goes into the upper fields, and the subsequent values go into the lower fields. By using two values, the permitted work times can be split for the day, for example, so that the permitted work times are from 06:00-11:00 and 16:00-21:00.
The start time can be defined as the option Next full hour. This means the next full hour from the start of the first event entry of the day. For example: The first entry is at 6:22, the permitted work hours start from the next full hour at 7:00.
Event type specific overrides
The validity of permitted wor times can also be defined based on the event type according to the overtime target. For example, if Limit when overtime pay target is valid for the target overtime - to salary, but you do not want the permitted work times to be valid when the event type is Work. This can be done with an event type-specific override, as shown in the image above.
Allow work before and after shift
For specified event types, it is possible to allow a certain amount of permitted time that can be earned before and after the shift. The permitted time is earned even if the allowed working hours would otherwise restrict this. In the above example, with the event type ‘Work,’ it would be possible to earn paid time 2 hours before the shift and 3 hours after the shift.
Note! The setting restricts the earned time before and after the shift even if the allowed work hours are not valid.
Exceptions to the permitted work time
Setting an exception to the permitted work times for a single day
Permitted work times can be edited on a daily basis if there is a need to extend the permitted work times for a single day. The editing is made directly from the individual’s calendar view by clicking on the desired day’s date and selecting Permitted work times from the menu that opens.
By selecting Permitted work times, a new window opens where you can define permitted work times for that day that differ from the settings of the settings group. When using the exception setting for a single day, the permitted work times must always be set using the times ‘On current day’
For example, if a person works on Monday from 16:00 to Tuesday at 01:00, the permitted work times for Monday should be set as 16:00-24:00 on current day, and for Tuesday as 00:00-01:00 on current day, so that the entire work entry is included in the permitted work times.
By selecting Save exception, the differing setting is saved, and the set exception can be seen in the calendar view by clicking the date.
Exception to the permitted work times based on the event type being used
Exceptions to the permitted work times can also be defined based on the event type. This may be necessary, for example, in situations where shift work is being done, such as allowing the morning shift to be extended to a certain time and the evening shift to a certain time. If multiple event types are used on the same day, which have been added to the settings as their own exception rule, the service will pick the first exception rule that matches the event type used during the day.
A setting can have multiple exceptions, and they are processed in order from top to bottom.
The first rule that evaluates to true will take effect.
The rules can be rearranged by dragging them with the icon that appears on the left when the mouse cursor is hovered over the rule.
An exception set for permitted work times based on the event type also applies to request-type events.
First, the permitted work times are defined normally per day. After this, an exception setting is defined through the validity control. The exception setting is defined in the following format through the magic wand icon:
‘1’ is replaced with the code of the desired event type. The code is visible in the Community-level settings under the menu Work Hours > Event Types. If you want to set two exceptions for two different event types (e.g., permitted work times are 06-16 when using the event ‘training’, and then 20-24 when using the event type ‘evening shift’, the first exception should be set in the first exception value of the permitted work times, and the next in the second.)
You can find a more detailed description of defining exception settings in this article.
Defining exception settings for permitted work times when you want to allow annual leave to be used on Saturday, even though there are no permitted working hours on Saturday
Permitted work hours also restrict the use of annual leave. So, for example, if you want there to be no permitted work times on Saturday, you can set it so that the Start Time is 00:00 on current day and the End Time is 00:00 on current day, thereby ensuring that there are no permitted working hours on Saturday.
However, if you want to allow annual leave to be used on Saturday, an exception setting must be defined for the End time setting. For example, as shown below, an exception setting of 24:00 on current day is set if it is annual leave, and an exception rule is added through the magic wand icon
In this case, annual leave is allowed to be used on Saturday from 00:00 to 24:00.
Setting permitted working hours from a scheduled shift
In addition to the permitted work times defined by the settings, permitted work times can be set to based on shifts. The setting can be found at the Community level in the menu Worktime > Administration > Working community settings > Shifts. At the Settings Group level, the definition can be found in the menu Worktime > Administration > Settings Groups > Settings Group: Desired Settings Group > Action: Settings Group Settings > Shifts.
With the settings Planned event type permitted work time start and Planned event type permitted work time end, you can control from which time work hours can be earned before or after a shift.