Supplements can be used to record various lump sums or reimbursements. These are configured as items that can be recorded and reported in pieces, time, or decimals, which are then recorded as part of an event. Reimbursement of travel invoice expenses and kilometer reimbursement of the travel invoice route are handled with work supplements.
Inheritance and deactivation of work supplements
Each work supplement has its own number. It should be noted that if, for example, settings are made in work supplement 1, they will be inherited according to the normal hierarchy of settings. Inheritance can be prevented and the work supplement disabled.
This is done by setting Enabled for the work supplement to be "No" in the desired setting level (e.g. working community, setting group hierarchy, or at user level)
Setting up work supplements
Work supplements can be set up in Worktime section at either the Administration - Working community settings - Work hours - Supplements or Administration - Settings groups -Work hours - Supplements.
From the Supplement settings, you can review the configured work supplements. For each supplement that is in use, a name is shown. Supplements without a name are not in use. If the name is in italics, at least some of its settings are inherited from the upper-level setting group. If the name is shown in bold, all related settings are configured at the currently viewed setting level.
Supplement settings
The purpose of the work supplement and more detailed information are configured in the work supplement's settings. The settings control the visibility of the work supplement in event recording.
Below is a list of the work supplement settings and their effect upon the platform.
Whether a work supplement is enabled or not. This setting can be used to prevent the settings from being inherited from a higher level.
Work supplement's name, free text. The name is displayed in the person's user interface as well as in reports.
Salary code
The salary code of the work supplement. The salary code can be exported in integrations and it can also describe, for example, the accounting account of the expense item of the travel invoice.
Visible in week tables
Determines whether the supplement is visible in user's 'Events in calendar' and 'Events in table' view. The supplement is always visible in the reports. If supplement is not displayed, it can still be recorded normally and exported with integrations.
Visible in terminal
Determines whether supplement can be recorded with the work time terminal.
Unit type
Work supplement's unit. The unit can be hours, pieces, decimal, currency or days. In addition to the user interface, the information affects in which column the information is exported in integrations.
Default value when added
The default value that the work supplement has when it is selected for the event. If you are recording the event in Current Status view or Terminal and the Supplement has a default value, Supplement is automatically added to the event.
NOTE. If the supplement is used for lunch supplement and it is possible to choose from several options, this setting must be left blank.
Unit name
The unit of the work supplement that is displayed in the user interface. The value of the setting overrides the default of the platform unit and the given unit is displayed in user interfaces and reports. If the unit name is not specified, the fixed unit name of the platform is used.
Supplement input interval
Define in which parts the work allowance should be recorded. For example, for a time-based supplement, it can be specified that the data is recorded in full 15 min increments. The input interval is used for recordings made with the current status view or the working time terminal.
Increase accrual with duration
If the recorded supplement is to affect the accruals, the accrual to which the effect is applied is selected.
Increase accrual in accordance with rate of increase
Set the percentage of the increase of recorded supplement in the accrual value. The percentage can also be negative, reducing accrual as supplement is recorded.
Supplement is used
Set in which context supplement is used. The options are:
Not set - If the setting is not inherited from upper levels then the work supplement is used as a 'normal work supplement'.
As a normal supplement - Work supplement is available for events other than correction, lunch and travel invoice events.
In correction events - Work supplement is available for correction events.
As a lunch supplement - Work supplement is available for lunch recordings on a cafeteria terminal.
Travel invoice trip reimbursement - Work supplement is available for travel invoice events as an expense line.
Travel invoice travel day allowances - Work supplement is available for travel invoice events as a travel day allowance. For example, daily or partial daily allowance.
Travel invoice other expenses - Work supplement is available for travel invoice events as route compensation. For example, own car kilometer allowance alone or company car limited benefit kilometer allowance.
Supplement comment field
It is possible to choose whether a comment field is displayed when entering the work supplement and whether the comment is mandatory. For example, the comment field can be used to describe the explanation of a receipt in the expense line.
Supplement date field
It is possible to choose whether a date field is displayed when entering the work supplement and whether the date is mandatory. For example, the date field can be used to describe the transaction date of the expense receipt.
Recording a work supplement to an event
Guidance for recording a work supplement to an event can be found here.