Mass recording for the length of the workday is justified, for example, when the work obligation of a user or users changes temporarily. A temporary change does not necessarily need to be made in the working community settings or the settings group settings, but it can be done through mass recording. However, this function should be used only in exceptional cases.
An exception to the length of the workday can also be set by utilizing the exception settings of the validity function in the Worktime section. The exception setting described in this article applies only to a specific day, whereas an exception setting made to the working community or settings group can be set to remain in effect indefinitely if necessary.
Select Worktime > Tools > Mass enter settings
- Select the type of mass recording as Length of work day
- Select the start and end dates for the mass recording from the Recurring entry and Repeat until.
- Select the Frequency for the mass recording (see repetition interval definitions here).
- Select the desired value in the Length field.
- Select the users or groups for whom you want to make the change.
- Finally, select Perform mass entry.
If you are unsure, you can first make a mass recording for just one person. This way, you can check that the mass recording is correct.