Projects can be for example project work with start and end times, or cost centers set up for targeting the work.
A new project can be created in Worktime -> Projects -> Project Administration. From the Action menu, select Add Project.
Parent Project defines where the project is shown in project tree.
Name defines the name of the project.
Code defines the project code, which doesn't have to be unique.
If work shift planning is used as well, projects should not have duplicate codes with units.
External Identifier defines a unique project identifier, which is from or can be read to another system.
Project type defines the project type.
Project starts and Project ends define the time period work hours can be recorded on the project.
Fields can also be left blank. Work hours cannot be targeted for the project after it’s end date. When the project has ended, it is possible to record hours retrospectively for the time period the project was active.
If a project is set as the person's default project, they will be able to record hours for the project even after it has ended.
Description field can be used to write down more details of the project. The field can also be left empty.
Visible on the recording terminal can be set if you want the project to be selectable in the recording terminal, in the current status view, or in mobile. By default, the project is only displayed in the mobile view and when creating a work event in the browser (events in calendar or events in table).
For a child project to be visible in the recording terminal, all of it's parent projects need to be visible in the recording terminal as well.
Project Managers can be assigned to every project. Project managers can view and approve hours recorded on the project. The left field shows the people that can be be selected, and the right field shows the people who have already been selected to be project managers. There can be several project managers. Read more about managing project managers here.
After saving the project, the new project will appear in the Project List under the Projects menu, where it is also possible to view the project tree in more detail.