Daily exception settings in mass can be defined using this guide.
It is possible to set a daily exception for some worktime settings in Events in calendar and Events in table views. Without exceptions, the service uses settings inherited from the Working community settings and Setting group settings. The set exception overrides other definitions related to that setting. A daily exception can be used, for example, when an agreement has been made with an employee for an interpretation of working hours that differs from the norm for one day.
The current settings (length of the workday, length of the workweek, permitted work times, expected work times, and daily exceptions) can be viewed by selecting the desired date from the person’s calendar. The settings and their editing options that a person sees depend on their worktime role.
A daily exception can be set by selecting the specific setting and assigning it the desired value. The set exception applies only to the person and the day for which the change is made. Daily exceptions do not appear in the setting group or work community settings. After setting the change, the active change is displayed on the info board by selecting the date of the respective day from the calendar.
Please note, if the permitted work times come from Shift Planning and there is a day level exception set that overlaps with it, the day level exception will not be considered.