The accrual can be activated by selecting from the menu Worktime > Administration > Working Community Settings or Setting Groups (depending on where setting is to be made) > Work hours > Accruals and overtime hours.
Accrual Settings
In the Accruals and overtime hours settings, the accruals that are in use are defined. The settings can be made to the working community settings or setting group as specific. In addition to the accruals in use, it can be defined whether a certain accrual automatically decreases if a person works a shorter day than the length of the workday.
In the picture below, Balance and Bank accruals have been set for use. When a shorter workday than the work obligation is made, it automatically borrows from the Balance. Each accrual corresponds to a reducing event type, for example, Balance Leave or Bank Leave. The event type must be activated either in the working community or setting group settings so that the absence can be reduced from the desired accrual.
With the balance accrual setting Allow hour by hour accrual of overtime from sick leave, it is possible to direct sick leave behavior so that it can accrue balance. By default, the sick leave event type cannot accrue accruals or overtime.
If the setting is selected, a sick leave entry longer than the workday will increase the person’s balance by the amount it exceeds the length of the workday. This setting can be used when people work irregular shifts and the calculation of working time is based on the average weekly working hours. In this case, a sick leave according to the shift can be recorded for the person, and this can result in a balance for the person.
For some accruals, it is possible to define additional settings in the section Calculation settings.
In image below, the default overtime target is defined, in the example ‘Hour by Hour - Balance’, as well as the available overtime targets, which are displayed in the event adding window (the next image)
The most important settings for the balance accrual are the maximum daily accrual of the balance and the minimum and maximum amounts. It is generally not advisable to set a minimum amount because then it is not easily seen if the negative balance starts to accumulate larger than the set value.
With the setting Borrowed from default accrual contributes towards weekly obligation, it is possible to determine that any balance deductions are to be made only on the last day of the workweek. If this setting is in use and it is desired to avoid reducing the balance when using certain event types, it can be defined in the section Work hours > TES > Event types that contribute to work week Event Types that are counted in the workweek.
- Yes: The event type affects the formation of weekly overtime, and hours are not filled from the balance on the last day of the workweek.
- No: The event type does not affect the formation of weekly overtime, and hours are filled from the balance on the last day of the workweek.
- Yes, but not to the formation of overtime: The event type does not affect the formation of weekly overtime, but hours are not filled from the balance on the last day of the workweek.
Work time shortening leave ja Annual absence
The earnings for these are defined in a table found in the industry’s collective agreement
Flexible work hours balance and Levelling period hours
Both can be assigned with a start date for the period. In reporting, the duration of the period must be considered, and reports should be taken from complete periods.
Other accruals
For example weekly rest, savings leave, holiday pay leave and others share the same settings and are designed to be flexible so customers will be able to configure their own accruals as needed going forwards. These can be configured based on your use case:
- Accrual unit type - The unit type the accrual is saved and displayed in the user interface using
- Visible in week tables - Whether to show the accrual's running balance in a row in the calendar view and events in table view
- Calculate future accrual predictions - Should the system predict what the accruals will be in the future. Defaults to 'Yes'. Events that directly affect accrual will be shown in the future, i.e., for example, accrual leave, or work exceeding the work obligation that has been directed to accrual. A mere obligation that fell short of a working day does not show negative hours in the future.
Borrowing rules
- Accrual automatically borrows from balance - Whether or not time will be automatically borrowed from the accrual if the daily obligation isn't met.
- Do not borrow from balance if obligation has been manually set - Whether or not time will be borrowed from the accrual if the daily obligation has been manually set. The obligation can be manually set in the calendar view by setting 'Length of work day' to a different value
- Borrow at the end of the week if weekly obligation is not fulfilled - Whether or not time will be borrowed from the accrual at the end of the week, if the weekly obligation isn't met.
Spending rules
- Days of week that leave/holiday can spend balance - Which days of the week can compensate the user if they have recorded leave/holiday for those days. The other settings below can also influence whether the leave is paid. The default is Monday to Sunday.
- Only days with obligation counted as leave/holiday days - Whether the day must have a work day length/obligation or not to be considered as a compensated leave/holiday day.
- Leave/holiday ignored if work on day - If set to yes, then any work events on the day will prevent the accrual leave/holiday from paying the employee or deducting from their accrual balance. Defaults to no.
- Leave/holiday ignored if public holiday - If set to yes, then any work events on the day will prevent the accrual leave/holiday from compensating the employee or deducting from their accrual balance. Defaults to no.
- Leave/holiday paid as - How the employee should be compensated/paid for their leave. In reality this affects how the time is displayed in the calendar and exported out of the system to payroll systems. For example "Regular time" will display in the calendar and export as regular pay, but "Annual leave" will not display in the calendar and be exported as annual leave according to the integation rules. Note: Accruals that compensate as "Annual leave" will not currently show in Annual leave/holiday reports as customers should still be using the current Annual holiday system to track annual holiday days.
Amount leave/holiday should pay (per day) and Amount to deduct from accrual balance (per day) when on leave/holiday - How much compensation is paid to the employee for a valid leave/holiday, and how much is deducted from the accrual to cover that pay respectively. Both settings share the same options listed below but are separated as it is sometimes desirable to compensate the user a different amount to what is deducted from their balance e.g. if the compensation is paid in hours and the balance is measured in days.
- Amount of obligation used - Compensation is paid to the employee that matches how much has been recorded up to their work day length/obligation e.g. On a workday, if you record 1 hour of leave, there will be 1 hour of pay, if you take 10 hours of leave, there will be 7.5 hours of pay (or whatever the work day length is set to). On a non-workday, there will be no pay, regardless of other settings.
- Percentage (0-1) of obligation used - Only available for the deduction setting. The amount deducted from the accrual is based on the percentage of the obligation you used during the day as a value between 0 and 1. For now it can only deduct 0, 0.5 or 1, and is useful if you have an accrual recorded in days and want to allow employees to record either half or full days. The threshold between whether it deducts a half day or a full day is if 60% of the day length has been used.
- Fixed amount per day - You can define how much the accrual leave should compensate the user and/or deduct from their accrual balance as a fixed amount on obligated and non-obligated days (see below).
- Work day length - Compensates the user and/or deducts from the accrual balance the amount that is defined as their work day length for the day.
- Fifth of work day length - Compensates the user and/or deducts from the accrual balance a fifth of their weekly obligation. This is useful for deducting on days where they are not expected to work but is otherwise defined as a day of the week that should pay accrual leave.
Max work day length - Compensates the user and/or deducts from the accrual balance the amount that is defined as their work day length for the day.
- Amount on leave days with/without a work day length - These should be set when using "Fixed amount per day" to specify how much is compensated and/or deducted from the accrual on days where the user is expected to work and not expected to work respectively.
Limitations and adjustments
- These settings allow you to define the minimum and maximum balance at the beginning or the end of the day and what should happen if you exceed it. It is recommended to use the default behavior that the limit can be exceeded and only a warning is generated for the person and their supervisor.
Use of holiday pay leave on Saturdays
If you want the holiday pay leave to be consumed as annual leave from Monday to Saturday, and you want the holiday pay leave days recorded for Saturdays to be included in the salary data along with other holiday pay leaves, there are four different options available in the service for this purpose.
Option 1 - Saturday does not rise to the salary data if the day’s work obligation (the length of the workday) is 0 hours. An exception can be set for Saturday in the Length of Workday setting and an exception for the entire workweek in the Length of Workweek setting, so that if the event ‘Holiday Pay Leave’ is recorded for the day, the length of the workday and the length of the workweek are automatically set to value X. This results in regular working hours being formed in the calendar for the holiday pay leave days, and the amount of work done during the week increases. Holiday pay leave creates interpreted working time for the salary data, but without increasing the length of the workweek, this does not happen if the length of the workweek has already been completed earlier in the week. For this reason, an exception is needed for both the length of Saturday’s workday and the entire workweek.
Option 2 - Set in the holiday pay leave accrual settings, to the Amount to deduct from accrual balance (per day) when on leave/holiday section, a fixed hour amount for Amount on leave days with a work day length and Amount on leave days with zero work day length. The setting determines how much the employee is compensated on a free/holiday day and how much the compensation is for days that have a set length of the workday and for days without the length of the workday. As a result, regular working hours are formed in the calendar for the holiday pay leave days, and the amount of work done during the week increases.
Option 3 - Forming a salary rule for holiday pay leave based on the marked working time (MarkedTime). The salary rule can be found here, under the section ‘Holiday pay leave selected from Saturdays with no work obligation’. The rule takes into account that Sunday is not included in the data, even if holiday pay leave has been recorded for Sunday.
Option 4 - If you want the holiday pay leave to behave like annual leave, then the fourth option is to create a new, customized holiday pay leave event type in the service, which behaves like annual leave and the corresponding accrual for this event type. See below for instructions on creating a new accrual. Instructions for creating a new event type can be found here.
Create a new accrual
You can create your own accruals to track hours or days using the following instructions:
- Visit the accrual and overtime settings and click the "Add accrual", and enter a name along with any translations. Note: if a translation for a particular language is not set, it will default to the next best available language.
- Once you save, the new accrual should appear above in the list above. Please expand the settings and check things are configured to your needs, for example you should specify whether the accrual is saved in hours and minutes or days. For more information about how to configure accruals, please visit the section on "Other accruals" above.
- Decide who should have their hours tracked by the accrual. This might be the whole working community or a specific user setting group. You will need to check the following settings for these groups:
- Accrual is in use > Example pankki - Enable the accrual for any groups that need it
- Event types - Look through the list for the new event types that were created to manipulate the accrual balance e.g. "Example bank leave".
- Please check the naming of each event type makes sense along with any translations. Translations can only be configured at the Working community level.
- Ensure they are set to be visible (in use) for whichever users need access to them. It is recommended to use a starting date for this, otherwise it will default to the date that they started using Worktime and it may take several minutes per user to calculate their balances if they have been using Nepton for years.
- The users who have it enabled will now be able to record accrual leave with the name you chose e.g.