General settings related to approving events can be defined in Work time, Work community and Setting group levels. Settings can be found in Work time -> Administration -> Work community / Setting group settings -> Work hours -> Event locking and approval.
Lock events automatically after
Time when event will be locked automatically. Event is locked when defined time has past from the end time of the event. Automatical locking happens every day early in the morning after midnight.
Example: Lock events automatically after-setting is set to be 14 days. When it is 14th of February, events will be locked until 31st of January. The following day 15th of February events will be locked until 1st of February and so on.
Approve full days instead of individual events
By default, events are approved individually on event level. With this setting approving can be done on day level.
When editing an event removes its approval
Makes it possible to remove approval of other events automatically when editing an event and its approval is removed as a result. Enables removal of approval only for persons who have the right to modify already approved events.
Note! The approval of an event is always removed if the person has the right to modify the event but does not have the right to approve it.
Approving an event approves all attached projects
This defines that at the same time as events are approved also the project hours related to the same work hours are approved. Travel invoice is an exception. Travel invoice project hours are always approved when travel invoice is approved.
Removing approval from an event removes the approval of attached projects
This defines that at the same time as approval is removed from events, also approval of project hours related to the same work hours are removed. Travel invoice is an exception. Approval of travel invoice project hours is always removed when approval of travel invoice is removed.
Note! Approval of projects related to an event is always removed when editing the event, unless the event remains approved and the approval of the event approves the projects associated with it.
Approving all projects attached to an event approves the event
When event related project hours are approved, also all work hours related to the event are approved. Travel invoice is an exception. Approval of travel invoice project hours can be done only by approving the travel invoice.
It is recommended to set the approval setting values via the validity function (small calendar button next to the settings). This allows you to set the Valid from and Valid until dates and you can also see the validity of history values.
If this is the first-time setting, it can be set without start date (always valid) or from wanted date on-wards.
If an existing value is to be changed, you must first end the old value by setting the date to Valid to -field. To add a new value, click Add setting value. The new value automatically takes effect on the day following the end of the previous value. In this way, the changes do not affect the past approval settings.