Travel invoice functionality is included in the Complete service level.
Travel invoices can be approved the same way as other events. See instructions for event approval here.
The service will notify the supervisor with an orange "!" as soon as there are travel invoices to be approved.
By selecting Approve travel expenses a view for approving travel invoices will open. The view presents each approvable travel invoice in rows, as well as the associated routes, reimbursements, and attachments. In the view you can select only the travel invoices you want to approve.
Approving is done with the 'Approve' button at the bottom. You can open and edit the travel invoice by clicking 'Open' on the correct row.
If Accept travel expenses is not highlighted with an exclamation point, or if you select Change selections in the approval view, a view opens where you can filter for which time period you want to search for approvable travel invoices.
You can also choose if you want to search only for unapproved or all travel invoices. Searching for all travel invoices is handy when you need to remove an approval from a travel invoice.
By clicking Select users you can limit the search to limited persons. Filtering persons works in the same way as when approving hours and viewing worktime reports.
The travel invoice approval view opens after you select users and press View Travel expenses.
When travel invoices are approved through the Approve Travel Expenses function, only travel invoices are approved. Approving travel invoice always automatically approves also its project hours. Unapproving travel invoice always unapproves its project hours. If you also want to approve other events or working hours, you must do so separately via either the Approve Hours view or the Calendar view.
When travel invoices are approved via the Events in Calendar view, both the events and working hours are also approved.