A newer version of this method exists. If you are currently using this method, we recommend that you will look at the instructions of the next method for changes required to update to the next version. You can find the instructions for the next version here
Overview of interface
Web service is used in updating the list of projects provided in the request into Nepton. If the project exists in Nepton, its information will be updated. Project to update will be identified by either its Nepton identifier (Id), the identifier defined in ExistingIdentifier-element or with project code (Code).
Web service WSDL-schema is available publicly here. Interfaces are described generally here.
Occurrences - column in request description defines whether a field is mandatory in a request or not. 0 occurrences means that field is not mandatory in the request. 1 occurrence means that the field must be present in the request once. 0..n occurrences means that the request may contain any number of those fields or none at all. Occurrences 1..n means that the request may contain any number of those fields but there must be at least one instance of that field.
Changes to earlier version (EnsureProjectsExist)
Structural changes
Old | New | Information |
Root element name in request has changed |
Root element name in response has changed |
New properties and elements
- Existing project can be referred to with an external identifier in addition to project's Nepton identifier or code
- ExistingProjectIdentifier-element added to request
- External identifier can be created for the project to insert/update
- ExternalIdentifier-element added to request
Request data
Level | Field name | Type | Occurrences | Description |
Root, under SOAP body | ParametersForEnsureProjectsExistV2 | XML element | 1 | |
1 | CallerAuthentication | XML element | 1 | More information about authentication here |
1 | ProjectList | XML element | 1 | List of projects |
2 | Project | XML element | 1..n | Information for a project. Information about common element content can be seen here. |
3 | ExistingProjectIdentifier | XML element | 0..1 |
Identifier for fetching existing project identifier. If project is found, its information will be updated, otherwise a new project will be created. The identifier given in this element is not saved into project information. |
4 | Identifier | string | 1 | Value of project identifier. |
4 | IdentifierType | string | 1 |
Project identifier type. Can be either
Read more about project code and external identifier here. |
3 | Id | unsignedInt | 0..1 | Nepton unique identifier for project. Define only if you want Nepton to identify the existing project based in this information. |
3 | ExternalIdentifier | XML element | 0..n | Identifier from an external system which is saved as the project's external identifier. |
4 | Identifier | string | 1 | Value of project identifier. |
4 | IdentifierType | string | 1 |
Project identifier type. At the moment only supported value is
Read more about external identifier here. |
3 | Name | string | 1 | Project name |
3 | Deleted | boolean | 0..1 | Is project deleted or not. Deleted projects are saved in the database, but restoring them is not possible via this API. |
3 | Active | boolean | 0..1 |
If set to If |
3 | Code | string | 0..1 | Project code. If ID or ExistingIdentifier - elements are not defined in the request, identifying existing project will be attempted by the value of this field. |
3 | TypeInternalName | string | 0..1 | Project type internal identifier. Must be set when creating a project. If now separate project types are set, value is project_work
3 | Description | string | 0..1 | Project description |
3 | StartDate | date | 0..1 | Project begin date. Project can't be targeted in events or have its hours reported before this date. Value can also be null , for example:<StartDate xsi:nil="true" /> |
3 | EndDate | date | 0..1 | Project start date. Project can't be targeted in events or have its hours reported after this date. Value can also be null , for example:<EndDate xsi:nil="true" /> |
3 | ParentProjectId | unsignedInt | 0..1 | Nepton unique identifier for the parent project of the project. Value can also be null , for example:<ParentProjectId xsi:nil="true" /> |
3 | ParentProjectCode | string | 0..1 | Project code for the parent project of the project. Value can also be null , for example:<ParentProjectCode xsi:nil="true" /> |
3 | ParentProjectIdentifier | XML element | 0..1 | Identifier for the parent project of the project. Value can also be null , for example:<ParentProjectIdentifier xsi:nil="true" /> |
4 | Identifier | string | 1 | Identifier for the parent project |
4 | IdentifierType | string | 1 | Parent project identifier type. Can be eitherProjectCode or ExternalIdentifier
3 | Left | unsignedInt | 0..1 | Not used |
3 | Right | unsignedInt | 0..1 | Not used |
3 | ChildProjects | XML element | 0..n | Not used |
Example request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tyo="http://tyoaika.tyoteho.fi" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<CallerAuthentication /> <!-- Authentication is required but is omitted from this example -->
<Name>Projekti X</Name>
<Description>Lorem ipsum primis venenatis justo mollis fringilla lectus sociosqu nostra, vehicula nunc massa sodales habitasse duis</Description>
<EndDate xsi:nil="true" />
Taso | Kentän nimi | Muoto | Esiintymiskerrat | Selite |
Root, under SOAP body | ReturnValueForEnsureProjectsExistV2 | XML element | 1 | |
1 | ResponseCode | integer | 1 | Response code of handling the request. List of response codes can be found here. |
1 | ResponseString | string | 1 | Response description |
1 | EnsureProjectsExistResultList | XML element | 1 | |
2 | EnsureProjectsExistResult | XML element | 0..n | Result of handling a project |
3 | ResponseCode | integer | 1 | Response code of handling the project. List of response codes can be found here. |
3 | ResponseString | integer | 1 | Response description |
3 | ProjectId | unsignedInt | 1 | Nepton unique identifier for handled project. Can also be null , for example:<ProjectId xsi:nil="true" />In error situations null is returned if request did not provide a unique Nepton identifier for the project. |
3 | ProjectIdentifier | XML element | 1 | Identifier that was sent in theExistingProjectIdentifier field. |
4 | Identifier | string | 1 | Value of the project identifier |
4 | IdentifierType | string | 1 |
Project identifier type. Can be either
Read more about project code and external identifier here. |
Example response
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tyo="http://tyoaika.tyoteho.fi">
<ResponseString>All clear. No errors.</ResponseString>
<ResponseString>All clear. No errors.</ResponseString>