Competencies represent a person's capabilities and/or certifications that enable them to perform related work tasks. For example, to work with a forklift truck, you would need the necessary certification and license to drive the forklift truck. Although competencies can be used purely for HR data purposes, they can also be used in shift planning to ensure the most suitable staff are used. The "assign people to needs automatically" tool can also benefit from this.
Creating a new competency
Competencies are configured in the Employees section. The Competency list shows a list of already added competencies in the service.
Competencies related to each other indicate that if a person for example has a Truck driving license, he can also drive lighter vehicles, such as a car and a tractor.
The distance between two competencies is a number that shows how desirable or practical it is for a person to perform tasks related to the other competency.
Competencies can be related to each other and tasks. Competencies can be used for more detailed scheduling of shifts using tasks, of which you can find more information in the Tasks article.
An example: A Secretary's competencies might be related to both a Cleaning and a Shift planning competencies. However, the distance to Cleaning is much larger than to Shift planning, indicating that the Secretary can do Cleaning if necessary, but that it would be preferable for a person with this skill to do Shift planning instead.
A distance of zero indicates that the related competence is just as desirable as the one it is related to.
Person's Competencies tab shows you a list of persons who have the specific competence in their details.
A competence can be deleted from Additional Functions -tab.
Adding a competence to a person
Competence can be added to a person either through competencies by searching for "Persons without competence " and then adding it to them. Alternatively, you can add competencies from the person's own information on the competencies tab (Employees> Persons > Open the person's ID card from the magnifying glass image > Competencies).