The simplest way to track annual worktime is to report the Realized work hours.
The same report also makes it possible to monitor total worktime.
The report can be found in the menu Worktime-Work hours-Reports->Realized work hours and can be run at any time.
In some cases, eg in teaching, the earnings of additional work and overtime are determined in steps according to the total amount of annual working time. In this case, monitoring requires the use of Levelling Period settings. If you are not familiar with them yet, you can find instructions here.
Setting up
1. Enabling accrual: Worktime-Administration-Setting group settings-select setting group-Setting group settings-Work hours-Accruals and overtime hours -> Accruals in use-Levelling period hours
2. Set Period start dates: Worktime-Administration-Setting group settings-select setting group-Setting group settings-Work hours-Accruals and overtime hours-Calculation settings-Levelling period hours -> Period start date
3. Set overtime limits for the period: Worktime-Administration-Setting group settings-select setting group-Setting group settings-Work hours-Levelling period -> Levelling period compensation
Compensation calculation
Compensation is always calculated on the last day of the period and is visible in the calendar view.
Example image where the levelling period has ended on 31.12.2018 and hours exceeding regular time are shown on the last day of the period.
More information about the calculation, see the "Levelling Period Compensation - Additional work earned after total hours" section in the Setting up a Levelling period article.