Sign in with Google enables your employees to access Nepton with their Google-account email and password. This guidance describes the necessary configuration steps to enable Sign in with Google in Nepton.
This login method can be used only by people who have Google account email saved as their email in Nepton.
Enabling the service
- Go to Employees > Administration
- Go to the section Single sign-on (SSO) > Sign in with Google
- Fill in the values and save the changes
- Enabled: This field enables or disables the Sign in with Google
- Enabled starting: The date & time from which the Sign in with Google is enabled
- Enabled until: The date & time till when Sign in with Google is enabled. This field can be left empty if you don't want to define an end date for the Sign in with Google login type.
"Enabled" can either mean that the service is enabled now or will be taken in to use at a later time - depending on the dates & times set.
Signing in
When Sign in with Google is enabled, the "Sign in with Google" button appears on login page. Clicking this button opens a Google authentication window with possible login to Google service. Upon successful login the person is redirected to Nepton service.
More information
Google guidance about the functionality.