Nepton service can be configured to automatically compensate holiday time to employees for performing camp work based on their TES agreement. Holiday time is earned in the form of days based on the length of the Camp work and can be paid into their bank or balance.
How to configure Camp working hours compensation
Two steps are required for configuring camp working hours compensation.
- Setting camp work holiday earning and maximum earned work on first camp work day
- Setting work rises to handle worked time earning from camp work
Holiday earning and maximum earned work on first camp work day
The compensation settings can be configured in:
Worktime > Administration > Working community settings (or Setting groups > select Setting group > select Setting group settings) > Work hours > TES > Camp work
- "Maximum earned work on first camp day" - Total amount of time that can be earned for the first day of camp when setting up.
- "Holiday day length earned from camp work" - The number of holiday days earned are based on the duration of the Camp work. This setting dictates how many hours and minutes each day will pay once paid into an accrual.
- "Earn camp work holidays to accrual" - Which accrual should the earned camp work holiday compensation be paid into.
- "Rule for earning holiday from camp work" - Different compensation can be earned for being on camp work for different lengths of time, these can be configured using up to 10 rules with each setting meaning the following:
- "Holidays earned if camp work length at least" - Total duration of camp work required to earn the number of days specified in the next setting.
- "Holiday days earned" - Number of holiday days earned for meeting the threshold in the previous setting.
- "Camp work has to start on Friday or Saturday" - Some rules require that the holiday days are only earned if the camp work started on a Friday or Saturday, this can be configured here.
Work rises
This step is required for correct earning of worked time from recorded camp work event.
First work rise - remove camp work earned time that is not regular time
- "Name" - Descriptive work rise name
- "Visible in week panel" - it is recommended to not show this work rise in week panel as it will make the view more unclear
- "On public holidays earning is calculated according to day" - set this to be Sunday
- "Compensation types that earn work rise" - should be earned from all other types than "Regular time"
- "Event types that earn work rise" - should be only earned from "Camp work" event type
- "Periods of validity" - set this to be 00:00 - 24:00 on all week days, Monday to Sunday
- "Force time earned during work rise to overtime" - set all of them to be "Not compensated"
Second work rise - worked time from camp work during weekends
- "Name" - a descriptive name, for example "Camp work on weekends"
- "Maximum amount compensated" - the maximum amount of worked time that you want to be earned from camp work on days during weekend and public holidays
- "Visible in week panel" - it is recommended to display this in week panel
- "On public holidays earning is calculated according to day" - set this to be Sunday
- "Compensation types that earn work rise" - should be earned from all types
- "Event types that earn work rise" - should be only earned from "Camp work" event type
- "Periods of validity" - set this to be 00:00 - 24:00 on Saturday and Sunday
- "Force time earned during work rise to overtime" - if you for example want camp work to be compensated to work hour bank on weekends, set all of them to be "Hour to hour - Bank"
Camp work event types
Also ensure the travel time, and camp event types are visible to the relevant users. You may also want to create a dedicated type for "Camp preparation / clearance" to record time setting up and clearing the camp in
Worktime > Administration > Working community settings (or Setting groups > select Setting group > select Setting group settings) > Work hours > Event types
How to record your hours during Camp work
- Use "Travel time" to record your travel to and from the camp
- Use "Camp preparation / clearance" to record the time it takes to set up and clear the camp if required
- Use a continuous "Camp work" marking to record the rest of your time during the camp.