Recording an event with a project using the terminal
Recording an event
Identify by showing your tag to the RFID-reader or entering your PIN-code to the terminal. Terminal displays the login methods selected in the Working community settings.
Select the event type you want to start. Event type changes from grey to blue once it is selected.
Recording a project
Select 'Target' from top of the page to access project list.
Terminal shows the available projects as a list. Select the wanted project. You can also search for the project with 'Search'-function from the bottom of the page. Terminal shows only those available project which are set to be viewed with terminal.
When you have selected the project, click blue 'Select' button from bottom right corner.
Selected project will move to list. With 'Select' button from bottom of the list you can add other projects to the event, then event is targeted to multiple different project simultaneously.
When you have selected wanted project or projects you can click 'Start' button.
After clicking 'Start' - button, event is started with wanted projects and terminal is ready to use for next person.