Log in to Nepton mobile at https://go.nepton.com/. The same address is also used in the desktop version. It's a good idea to save the sign-in page as a shortcut on your phone's desktop from the mobile view after logging in, making it easy and quick to open with a single tap.
On first use, the service will ask you to enter the name of your work community. Usually, the name of the work community is the name of your company or working community. If you are not sure what to enter here, please contact your Nepton administrator or your supervisor.
Once the working community name is entered, you will be able to enter your username and password.
On the log in page you might see single sign-on (SSO) log in. Please note that only Microsoft and Google SSO's work with mobile, other single sign-on methods do not.
If you are using the service for the first time, you can set your password using the 'Forgot password?' function. After entering your email address, you will receive further instructions on the email address you provided.
If the login page shows single sign-on by default, select Log in using Nepton credentials to enter your username and password.
You can also set the page to keep you logged in. Enabling this feature can be done by the administrator in the service settings.
It is recommended that you create a shortcut on the phone desktop. Instructions for making the icon can be found here.