When a new person is added via the person form, certain information is required to be set so that the person information can be saved. The field values may have multiple values for different time periods (see Person information validities) but there must be a value for all times. These mandatory fields are:
- First name
- Last name
- Password
- Role
- Service usage language
- Username
For person import the rules for mandatory fields are different, see Mandatory fields in person import.
Mandatory fields as additional information fields
When additional person information fields are created in the Employees section > Administration > person’s additional fields, the fields can be marked as mandatory for everyone or only for some roles. If a person has a role that requires to have a specific field defined, it must have current values as well as values for the past and future when filling personal information, like always with mandatory fields.
Also, when importing users, the required additional person information fields must have current values and values for the past and future. However, if the data for mandatory additional fields of a person are missing in the import, the person data can be imported despite the missing data. In the case of manual personal import, a warning is displayed and in the case of automated personal data imports, a warning message is recorded in the service log.