Persons page allow you to view basic and quick information about persons you manage or you are a supervisor to.
To view more details about person you have to navigate to the person own information page by clicking on the icon of the target person.
More details about person own information can be found here.
In this view you can see list of basic information.
- Employee number
- Last name
- First Name
- Username
- Phone Number
- Role
- Unit
- Contract start date
- Contract end date
- Trail period End date
This view can not be modified.
Permissions on the page:
This page is protected by rights access and only the person allowed can access to it.
More details about person roles and access rights can be found here.
Fields in Person view
Filter persons
In this view you can search with following filters.
- Last name
- First name
- Username
- Employee number
- Personal identity code
- City
- Persons lists
- Status (of work contract)
- Unit
- Persons supervisor
In addition you can choose to search only active users, active and deleted users or just deleted users.
Add Person
Instructions for adding person can be found here.
Export person data to Excel
Instructions for exporting persons to Excel can be found here.
Notify persons
Instructions for informing person can be found here.