For Employees
Log in to Nepton
Log in to the service at
In the article Login to Nepton all different ways to log in to the service are presented. Web addresses and agreed practices may differ depending on the organization. Confirm your own organisation policies with the Nepton administrator of your organisation.
Login to mobile
Login to mobile site happens through the same address at You should save the login page as a shortcut on your mobile's desktop, making it easy and quick to open with one click.
Did you forget your password?
You can find instructions for ordering a new password here.
Recording events
Events can be recorded in calendar and table view. Events can also recorded in the mobile view and on the terminal. You can also record absences, such as sick leaves. The agreed practices for recording events may differ depending on the organisation. Confirm your own organisation policies with the Nepton administrator of your organisation.
Editing an event
Depending on the worktime role rights granted in your organisation, events can be edited by an employee or supervisor. Multiple events can be edited at once. The event can also be edited in the mobile view.
In case of problems, contact your organisation's Nepton administrator or your supervisor.
For Supervisors
Approval of events
Events can be approved in the calendar view one week / month at a time or through list-format approval Worktime -> Work hours -> Approve hours. The agreed practices of the event approval process may differ depending on the organisation. Confirm your own organisation policies with the Nepton administrator of your organisation.
Approve hours in the calendar view
Approve hours view
Once the events are approved, the color of the events changes to green and events cannot be edited no longer by employee.
Note! Employees' rights to edit events after approval may differ depending on the organisation. Confirm your own organisation policies with the Nepton administrator of your organisation. If it is necessary to edit the event after approval, the supervisor can remove the approval or edit the approved event on behalf of the subordinate.
Setting up a deputy
A deputy can be assigned to the person, for example if the supervisor goes on vacation. Assignment can be done by any person to itself or to a person whose information he has rights to manage.
Worktime reports
Nepton has several standard worktime reports that the manager can view and take from himself and his subordinates.
It is possible to set notes to the service about different exceptional worktime entries. Exceptional entries can be viewed from the exceptional entries report.
Approve travel expenses
By selecting approve travel expenses, a view to approve travel invoices will open to the supervisor. The view separates each approvable travel invoice, as well as the related route or routes, compensations and attachments in rows. Travel invoices can also be approved in the same way as other events.
Event requests
A common example of using event requests is planning vacations or requesting balance leave, but any request need can be handled with event requests. Request-type events needs supervisor approval. When a person records an event request to his calendar, the primary supervisor and deputies are notified of the new requests from their subordinates and they can either accept or reject them.
Employee information of subordinates
Employees and their information can be managed in the service. To access the personal information page, go Employees -> Persons -> Persons. Search for the person in the list and click the 'View info' icon on the person line. Rights to edit personal information may differ depending on the organisation. Confirm your own organisation policies with the Nepton administrator of your organisation.
In case of problems, contact your organisation's Nepton administrator or your supervisor.