After the shifts are published, the shifts can be viewed in several different ways. A supervisor can view the shifts of their own subordinates or the shifts of projects/location to which they are connected through a person's projects or person group's projects. An employee can view their own shifts, the shifts of their own person group, or the shifts of projects/locations to which they are connected.
Employees can view their own shifts in six different ways:
- In the calendar view
- In table view
- Users shifts report
- In the hour column
- In the daily column
- By project
Absences are shown in shift lists as they are in calendar view, not as shown in shift planning. If the absence is only shown as an absence in shift planning, it may still appear in shift lists with more detailed information, such as balance leave or sick leave, depending on the person's worktime role and their rights to view events.
Viewing shifts in calendar and table views
Published shifts can be viewed in the Worktime section under Work hours > Events in calendar or Events in table. A supervisor can view the shifts of their own subordinates in this view, and an employee can view their own shifts.
Shifts are shown for each day.
Calendar view:
Table view:
Viewing shifts in Users shifts report
Employee or supervisor can also view their own shifts or their subordinates' shifts with the Users shift report, or with hourly reports in different formats. These can be found in Worktime section under Shifts. Employees can print their own shifts in this view by clicking on the printer icon.
For the report, you can choose the time period and interval.
When clicking on a shift, an additional window pops up with more information about the event (e.g. planned shift, annual leave, training).
The time period and hour restrictions are by default what is set in Working community settings in Administration > working community settings > Shifts > Defaults used in shift reports.
Viewing shifts in the hour and daily columns
Work shifts can also be viewed in Worktime - Shifts in different reports. The visibility of reports in the Shifts menu depends on the employee's worktime role. An employee may have the right, for example, to view their own shifts, their person group's shifts, or even the shifts of all users. A supervisor may have the right to view the shifts of their own subordinates. The right to view shifts gives permission only to run shift reports for selected users. The employee cannot see other employees' calendars or other information with this permission. More information about worktime roles can be found here.
If there is a need to view shifts for one group, the shift list per hour or day can be run. When running the report:
1. Select the time period
2. Select the users. The person group folders can be opened from the little arrow.
3. Add wanted users or user groups by clicking them.
4. Select the precision and hours to be shown
5. Then press Show listing.
Shift list per hour shows the selected days with the selected precision. The report is best used when viewing short time periods. A window with more information pops up when clicking on the shift.
Shift list per day shows each shift and it's details daily. Shift list per day report is best used for viewing multiple persons and days at the same time.
Viewing work shifts by projects or locations
Work shifts can be viewed by projects or locations under Worktime > Shifts > Shift list by project. In order to be able to view the shift list by projects or locations, the person must be added to the projects/locations whose shifts they need to see. A project/location can be added in person projects or by directly adding the project/location to the person group. For more information on adding a project/location to a person or person group, click here.
Shift list by project shows persons by projects/locations, so you can search for shifts based on specific project/location.