To ease supervisor work, there is report about non-approved events. Article about that can be found here.
If there are event requests in the period, they will also be approved without a separate notification.
Supervisor receives notification (orange "!") to the top menu when there is work hours to be approved. The notification updates every 30 minutes, or when person re-logins to the service or approves hours.
To approve employee work hours is possible to do in three different ways; in Events in calendar view, in Approve hours view or by accepting each event separately in work time calendar.
Check the settings related to approving here.
Only the primary supervisor sees a notification about unapproved events, secondary supervisors can approve events in the same Approve hours view and in the calendar view even though they do not receive notifications.
To approve events in calendar
In Events in calendar view each employee working hours can be approved by a week or a month at a time. It is the easiest in this view to view employee working hours before approving them.
Depending on organization policies, events can be either only approved, or approve and lock at the same time. Both approving options can be found in Approval -button menu. Nepton remembers the used Approval-button action and shows that next time as default.
After approval, the events have turned green
After approving hours, supervisor has possibility to remove the approval, if supervisor or employee has later a need to edit the events.
To approve events in calendar view also approves possible travel invoices, if employee has recorded travel invoices to the selected period of time.
Approval can be removed selecting Remove approval from approval menu.
If events are locked, Approval -button disappears from calendar view and supervisor cannot open the events anymore.
After locking the events, you can see the lock in the calendar
As a default, locking events while approving them is possible only by Nepton main user.
In worktime roles for example to supervisors can be given permission to lock events. The permission to lock event dates is found in high-level permissions gives permission to lock events while approving them.
To unlock dates is possible with Can unlock locked dates permission. Unlocking is possible also in Locking events functionality.
To approve events one by one
Events can be approved one by one in calendar view by Edit event function. In Edit event view in Approval part select approved after which save the event.
Approving work hours
Please note that travel invoices are not approved in approve hours view. Travel invoices can be approved either one by one, or when approving events in events in calendar view or separate approve travel expenses view. More info about approving travel invoices can be found here.
In Approving work hours function is viewed subordinates or deputies' subordinates who have been selected or approved. Approving can be done for several events in Work hours -> Approve hours. Also in this view supervisor can choose if wanted only to approve or approve and lock events.
If supervisor has a lot of subordinates, there is a possibility to fasten the working by choosing how many subordinates to view at once by selecting Number of items per page. Default is 25 per page. If Number of times per page is used, clicking Approve and continue takes automatically to the next page.
After approving events in this view, approvement /lock of events can be also removed from one or several employees.
Please note, if subordinates has previous unapproved work hours, these hours will be always first in the table row, even though they are outside of the selected period of time. Unapproved hours are shown from maximum period of 12 months before the report end.
Approved work hours before selected period of time are not shown, only unapproved hours.
Colors and abbreviations of the view
Color codes of the view and their definitions are shown above the list.
All events clocked with a terminal means that all events on the date have been added in real-time with a terminal device and their times have not been modified after they were created.
All events clocked means that all events on the date have been added in real-time regardless of the device used, and their times have not been modified after they were created.
Absences are shown with following letter codes in the day's info:
SL = Sick leave
A = Absence
AH = Annual leave
BL= Balance leave
WSL = Work time shortening leave
PH = Public holiday shortening the work week
Work time of the day is shown in day's info in hours and minutes in .0HH:MM form. If absence is paid, the letter code and work time of the absence is shown for example Paid 0 absence is shown as A 08:00. Unpaid would be without the worktime 07:30, only A.