This page introduces all the different ways you can log in to the service. A separate article can be found for logging in with a mobile device. Web addresses and agreed policies may vary by organization. If necessary, verify your own policies with your organization administrator.
Guidance to most common problem situations can be found here.
If you are using the service for the first time, you can set your password by clicking on the 'Forgot your password?' link. After entering your email address, you will receive further instructions to the email address you provided.
Login with username and password
1. Enter in the address bar of your browser. The same address is used when using a mobile device. Separate instructions for logging in on a mobile device can be found here.
2. The first time you log in, enter the name of the desired work community and press the Search button. You can also find a work community by typing part of the name of your work community. The selection remains in the browser cache and no longer needs to be entered unless the web browser cache is cleared.
3. In the login window that opens, enter your username and password and press the Login button.
4. If the work community needs to be changed, it can be re-selected by pressing the work community name in the upper left corner.
If you are using the service for the first time, you can set your password using the 'Forgot password?' function. After entering your email address, you will receive further instructions on the email address you provided.
Single sign-on
It is possible to log in to the service using single sign-on. Different single sign-on methods are described here. The following example is made using Microsoft single sign-on.
Login with Nepton username/email and password can be removed from list of allowed login methods.
1. Enter in the address bar of your browser.
2. The first time you log in, enter the name of the desired work community and press the Search button. The selection remains in the browser cache and does not need to be re-selected unless the web browser cache is cleared.
3. In the login view that opens, press the Microsoft login button.
4. To reselect a work community, click the work community name in the upper left corner.
Logging in to the recording terminal with an RFID tag
1. The personal identifier is shown to the reader. Set your RFID tag on the reader and wait for a sound signal.
2. Then select the desired function and save the selection from the Start button at the bottom of the screen.
Logging in to the recording terminal with a PIN number
1. The personal PIN number is entered using the keypad on the terminal and the Login button is pressed.
2. Then select the desired function and save the selection from the Start button at the bottom of the screen.