This article is about general principals about recording events to Nepton when work time is performed unequivocally.
Recording events can be descripted as follows:
1. Start work day, record event type Work-Start
2. Go to lunch, record event type Lunch break-Start
3. Continue work day, record event type Work-Start
4. Finish work day, record event type Work-Stop
In the beginning of the work day record Start and at the end of the work day record Stop. All other events of the day can be done with Start record. Nepton ends the previous event automatically when new event is started.
This is how continuous event chain is gained and work time can be interpret unequivocally. If events are not in continuous chain, for example automated lunch break does not form right.
The easiest way to use event recording is to use above descripted real time recording. There are several options to use real time event recording: mobile, terminal and Current status -view. Events can be also recorded real time in Events in Calendar or Events in table view.
Note: Events should not be saved more than four years into the future, or there may be errors in recording real-time events or event requests.